Monday, February 24, 2020

Filming blog: The Shoot

We finally began the actual shooting of the short film. We had to make some major changes to the overall film, however. What we did is that we had to remove the father from the film completely due to schedule contrast. We out the spots with the mother and a little brother instead.
 We began filming with a handheld camera and a tripod which was working perfectly. We were able to shoot about half of the scenes in the movie with it. Then, out of nowhere the camera did not allow us to record. It was super weird because we would start recording and then it said that it couldn’t. We were able to find a temporary result, which proved quite ineffective. We deleted some of the extra scenes off of the camera and it actually filmed pretty well. Then the same problem arose again about 20 minutes later. Luckily, we had an extra camera on deck to film. We were very fortunate because the Tripp’s stand was able to connect to this camera, which was so helpful. When we inserted the SD card; however, the original shots from the other camera did not show up at all. This was pretty devastating as we had filmed so much of the film. Since we had already shot the previous shots we shot most of the scenes first try, which was pretty helpful. This turn of events actually helped us out better in the long run, all lost everything was different tech wise. The quality was much improved and the microphone on this camera picked up much more sound than the handheld did. The contrast is quite amazing when you look at the film. I’m pretty sure now the movie will come out better than we first thought it would.

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