Friday, January 8, 2021

Exit Music (For A Film) Rights

 My partner and I received a response today from the studio that holds the background music rights that we intend to use for our short film. Sadly, we weren't allowed to use the album. We're really angry. Luckily, we had replacement music for us to use. One of the first ones who contacted us back granting us permission to use their album was the studio that owns the best song we had as a backup. What we need now is to fill out a questionnaire that outlines our project in more depth, and we should be fine. I'm so happy we were willing to be a cause that might have been such a huge challenge. January 12 is the final due date for our project. If we had not actually emailed the studio responsible for the film's rights, we certainly wouldn't have received a response before our project was due. We've got to move on now. I'm happy we've been able to address these problems, but before the deadline, there are a few more things to do. This weekend, we are re-filming a few scenes to see how we can get them to look better. I already like how they look, but because my partner and I are getting together this week to work on our film poster, we're going to use the opportunity to film as well. We will also start working on our posters, as I reported earlier this weekend. We already have a sort of idea of what they're going to look like, so when we really start working, several things will change. It shouldn't take long to do it, but it's a very fun thing to do. Our deadline is very rapidly approaching. I think we're on target, and a couple of days before that, we should finish it absolutely. I can't wait to actually apply anything and hear our teachers' input. Let's hope everybody enjoys our short film and shares it with more people.

Playlists! Lawsuits! Fake Songs! The Biggest Streaming-Music Trends of 2017  | Pitchfork

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