In the extract, the author is trying to convey that the main interrogator, Jack, knows Nina, the person being interrogated, and that she has betrayed him in some way and Jack’s interrogation seems very full of rage. Overall, the author tries to make it seem that time is running very low, now the only person that stands in Jack’s way to save the world is Nina, creating a very suspenseful and a very intense scene.
The author does this many different ways, right off the bat in the beginning of the scene when Jack walks in and Nina realizes it is him, he uses a zoom on the camera as her eyes open. This is used to exemplify her knowledge of who this is or her surprise that it is him. They then just stare at each other for a good 2 seconds and she breaks off and looks away, showing that she knows she did something bad to him. This is then followed by some incidental music, which in turn builds up suspense as Jack moves without speech. Then soon after our first cut of the shot reverse shot shows a man in a suit looking at the interrogation. All of their costumes show the hierarchy of the situation, the suit is most likely the boss/superior of Jack, who himself is in comfortable clothing, showing how he is probably very laid back on the rules and is probably on thin ice at his work. Lastly, there is Nina, who’s ragged clothing and short messy hair represents a struggle or how she wasn’t captured very recently, as if she has been put in a holding cell for a few hours. Throughout this entire scene they use over-the-shoulder shots to make it feel as if you are there. These factors all lay down the background and setting of the extract.
The dialogue finally begins as Nina lays back in her chair and says her demands. This shows her confidence and overall calmness in this situation, she believes that she is in control in this situation. Then Jack retaliates in essence calling her selfish, as if that is what hurt him in the first place, her selfishness. This along with the high angle usage show that he holds the power in this situation. Nina then describes how there is somebody that she knows there that has knowledge of the bomb, that along with the clock from before tells you that it is a time bomb set to go off very soon, probably in under 24 hours. So they then go on to talk about how Nina was offered a presidential pardon if she says where the bomb is, showing how she wants to convey her necessity to go to the location. Jack is now very angered at her attempt to control the conversation and push him aside, so he says she would, “ you would sell anyone and everything out to the highest bidder,” giving insight into how she probably got into the bomb situation at first. The table is now flipped by Jack in anger, and he yells how she needs to, “ Stop wasting his time,” that she has to give him a name. This sets in the suspense, his anger filled action accompanied with his screaming makes your adrenaline start pumping. This makes you go on the edge of your seat. Nina again begins to push Jack’s buttons and show how she is in control,essentially calling his bluff. She has been piling up this anger in Jack the whole time trying to make Jack snap, which it seems to have done as he sits down. This tilt down shows that they are now on a level playing field in terms of who is holding the power.
Nina then says the catalyst, “ I guess you are going to just have to follow my lead,” this is probably an allusion to something said earlier in the TV show or that episode, maybe implying that they were previously partners on the force. Thispower shift lights Jack’s match as the built up suspense is all released into one adrenaline powered attack. He rushes her against the wall and begins to choke and lift her up, stating that nobody cares what he does to her and that she will tell him what he wants. The look on the actors face after he releases her shows utter surprise as she didn’t really expect that from Jack, how he has changed in her eyes. She then looks at the suit/boss with an innocent look, as we all realize how she played Jack and how much they need her.
Throughout this entire extract the author is able to set up a setting using the camera, table, and chains, he is able to introduce these character’s relationship with one another. You as viewer, without any previous knowledge, are able to see how Nina has hurt Jack in the past, that this is what is making him extra angry. This all builds up suspense as the relatively quiet music gradually becomes faster and louder as he becomes more angry, until he snaps and sits down. Then you see her slickly say how she is in control and blow up the situation into an adrenaline filled scene, you feel like you are there with them. That is the vision of the writer to build the suspense and for you to feel like you're somewhat with them using different angles.
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