Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Audience and Institutions

Xavier Uribasterra
Audience and Institutions

There are many vital steps in the movie making process, one of these is the marketing. When making a movie the main goal is to turn a profit. So when marketing you have to find your key audiences and try to put out your movie to as many people as possible. The money making aspect is essential to allowing profit and maybe even making it into a global franchise.
One of the best movie franchises to do so is the Fast and Furious movie series. They have done so well, in fact, that they have released 14 seperate movies under the Fast and Furious storyline. They have done a wide variety of separate marketing tactics, like for Furious 7. During the distribution process the franchise teamed up with Microsoft Studios to make a special edition of Forza Horizon 2 in which you could race cars like them. This was key to one of the main objectives, grab key demographics, in this case it was the car loving audience. Along with the video game, the Fast and Furious was also able to put their movie out there by coupling it's premier with another. They had the same release day as the new IMAX laser projection theater, which allowed movie lovers that might not even like the Fast and Furious franchise to enjoy the U.S.’s “laser projection”. Creating it's own cross-media convergence This meant that they could gain a good size amount of viewers just off this coupling, boosting their revenue even more.
Another tactic taken by a different franchise was to expand their franchise to not only have a feature in another game, but to have it’s own full fledged game. When creating this game they took in many considerations, but the key take away was it’s clear target demographic,  children. By creating the game they could take the player into their own version of Jurassic World. This was vital to the popularity of the movie, because if you keep the game constantly in the kid’s mind, then when the movie is released you can grow their itch to see the movie. The distribution to the kids was well seen throughout their other partnership deals, like LEGO. Not only did Jurassic Park release their own LEGOs, they also released their own LEGO game, which created another example of cross-media convergence. This also allowed them to boost their revenue, just by these long term deals.
All of these marketing deals boosted interest and it boosted the overall long-term and short-term revenue. This allowed them to find their key demographics (even adding some more)  and allowed them to receive more exposure.This proved itself that videogames are a vital step to the marketing process as a whole. 

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