Monday, October 7, 2019

codes and connotations

In our project we will be taking the approach of a Nike commercial. Due to the fact that Nike commercials are focused on the aspect of sports it is completely essential that the ad contains anything athletic. This could be sports equipment, sports clothing, or athletes. If the video does not consist of any of these, then it will have a drastic impact on the message of  the advertisement because when people see Nike they see a powerful and striking image.

Furthermore, in a Nike commercial it always makes sure to portray the Nike “swoosh” symbol. The reason for this is that the symbol has become renowned world-wide. If the Nike symbol were to not be shown it would possibly make the commercial seem much weaker due to the reason that it doesn’t carry so much weight as it would if it actually did have the symbol present in the advertisement.

All around the world Nike is known as the best brand for soccer products, such as cleats,balls, gloves, shin guards and etc. In our commercial we are trying to show how dominant Nike is on the soccer market. We will show how it’s slogan, “Just Do It” apply to their products. This is implemented in every single one of their commercials, coding it into your brain.

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