Tuesday, October 22, 2019


      For our commercial’s storyboard we will use shots such as, a wide shot, where our subject will is looking at the goal before practice. We will also use a close-up on the Nike cleats and the soccer ball. Along with the close- up we will include an extreme close where we will have a shot on the subjects eyes, nose, and mouth. There will be an over-the-shoulder shot when the subject is walking from their car to the field. I that same scene there will also be a tracking shot, as we are filming the subject walk to a different location.
      Along with shots we will also be using different camera movements. One of these movements will be a tilt, when we film the ball going to the goal. We will also use a pan when our subject is placing the ball on the ground to take his free-kick. Another camera movement will be a zoom, this will be used when we zoom into the ball and then we zoom into the cleats.
      Editing will play a large part in our commercial. Our main edit/ transition will be a jump cut. Some examples will be when our subject is walking to the field, then we would jump cut to when he is putting in his cleats, already on the field. A very important part in outlet film will be a graphic match, this will be used when we do a close up on the ball, it will cut from day to night, and practice to game. Our last shot will be an insert, it will be at the very end when the subject scores. This will cut into a Nike symbol.

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