Friday, October 25, 2019

The filming process

   Today we started filming our commercials. We did a commercial based on the company Nike. My partner Mario brought all his gear so that we could film a soccer commercial. Earlier that day it was raining, which would have posed a large obstacle for us.  Luckily, it was a short storm and it left the field at a perfect state for the commercial. The rain also led to a great idea by my partner Camilo, he spotted a large puddle that made the perfect reflection, so we took a very cool shot using the puddle. When we went out to the track/ field I served as an idea man and equipment carrier. Sadly, we did not use the camera provided, we used Camilo’s iPhone 11. We took a tracking shot in the beginning of the commercial, as Mario- our subject- ‘ walked to practice’. We also used a low angle when we had our subject take the perfect free kick into the top bin.
   After that low angle shot we had an idea hat would make it a little more of a Nike commercial. Usually in a Nike soccer commercial you would have a player practicing with the ball or a POV in a game. Somewhere in the commercial they would sometimes have somebody break the fourth-wall. They would do this by maybe hitting the camera or the subject would say something to you, the viewer. To match this, after Mario hit the perfect free kick, we had him turn around and hit the camera and say “no recording bro.” After this we would cut to the shit in which Mario controlled the ball under his foot right in front of the puddle. This is where, like any other Nike commercial, we would say, “ Just Do It.” After we finished filming our shots, we went back to the classroom to dump our film onto the computer. Since we did it on a phone we had some trouble. Which would make a large problem.
     First, we had to try to find a cable, which for some reason, almost nobody had one. Next we would have to access the phone through the computer, which was a relatively easy task. However, when we tried to download the videos onto the computer, we had a lot of trouble. It would begin to download it  perfectly. Yet, a short way into the downloading process it would stop downloading and say that it couldn’t reach the phone. We tried multiple computers and multiple different cables, but the same thing happened. We even went as far as to stay about 10 minutes after class to try to download it to the computer, but we were still hit with that message. So, Camilo took it home and downloaded it into an SD card. Overall, I would say it was an okay experience, as we were effectively and efficiently filming, finishing relatively early. It began to get worse when it came to the computer downloading time, as we hit a major roadblock. I believe it was a good opportunity to gain experience on film production.

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