Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research: Apocalypse Now

The Movie Apocalypse now was a movie released in 1979. It is an Epic Genre movie and it is also telling the story of some kind of war. This movie is perfect for our research because our main idea for this project is to make the begging of a war movie. There are a lot of establishing shots in this movie. Since there are many battles and all in different places, the movie does a good job showing the viewers where they are taking place. There are some high and low angles in this movie. An example of a low angle is when one of the soldiers drops his weapon on the ground and we can see him get executed but from the guns perspective. There are a lot of long shots in this movie, they show the soldiers fighting in the war or just getting ready for it. There is some close ups in the movie as well. In one scene we get a close up of the actor’s face, helping us to see his emotion. There are many Two and Three shots in this movie. One of them show the soldiers getting lined up for inspection and another showing them getting ready for a battle that was about to take place. I was able to see one aerial shot in this movie. In that shot we are seeing from a helicopter and we can see a boat filled with soldiers going through the river. Over the shoulders shots also happen a lot in this movies mostly during characters dialogues. A camera movement that we can see a lot is a Pan. It happens usually when the soldiers are lined up and the viewer is able to see all of them. Sounds play a big role in this movie. Diegetic sound is used many times usually when we can hear the footsteps and the helicopter and boat sounds since they were real and not special effects. Non diegetic sound happened many times, especially during the action scenes she bullets were being fired. Most of those shots weren’t real so adding the sound made the effect look more realistic. There is a lot of dialogue in this movie. They usually don’t happen in the action scenes but always before them when the general gives the soldiers instructions. Editing is used really well during this movie. A shot reverse shot was used during the fighting scenes going from one side to the other many times. Action match is also used a lot during this movie. Jump cuts are used many times during this movie. They used them specifically during the battle scenes when they want to show each soldier’s perspective of the war. Reaction shots were used as well to show the reaction of the general after the first battle was fought. There were many different locations used during this movie. Each battle takes place in a different setting. Costumes also play a big part in this movie. There are many different costumes and the details on them are on point and that is what makes the movie so great. Props also play a big role since there are a lot of guns involved in this movie. I really like how they make the effects realistic for a 1979 movie.

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