Friday, January 31, 2020

Title Research: Art of the Title

In this blog I will be talking about the website Art Of The Title. I found this website by doing some research about Title Cards on my own. I wanted to make sure my group and I were on the right track and doing everything correctly when the time of recording and editing our video came. When I opened the website I was really impressed with the quantity of different types of movies were there and all of them had different types of genres. I watched 3 different examples of titles and took some notes on it. I made sure I wrote down all the important things my title card should have. I also wrote down all the things that stood out to me like transitions and font sizes for example. After that, I went ahead and looked for movies with the Epic Genre. I found 3 different movie titles there and watched all of them. I made sure I payed really close attention to every detail in the video. The website is really easy to use and to find the movie and type of genre you are looking for. The website has many options of movies and genres so it is certain that you will find what you are looking for. Using this website I learned some things that I will definitely use on my final project. I learned that most titles don’t last very long, but are not like the end of the movie credits. You should be able to read everyone’s names that are in the movie or do something for the movie. I also learned that the directors name should never come first. The directors name always shows up at the end of the movie in the credits. I also noted that most titles for the Epic genre are usually designed to relate to the movie. The names should not cover the whole screen and the viewer should be able to read the names and watch the movie at the same time. This website helped me a lot because before I found it I didn’t know any characteristics of an Epic Genre movie title and what they are supposed to have. I will definitely use this website to make more research before I start working on my movies title.

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