Friday, January 17, 2020

Starting the Final Task

  I am Xavi, I was born on December 31.  I was born in Fairfax, Virginia. However, I didn’t live there for a while, after about 8 months me and my family moved to Miami. My dad’s side all come from Cuba, they moved after Fidel Castro took most of their money and belongings. Originally they moved  to New York and then came down Miami. My mother’s side of the family came straight from San Tiago, Chile. They were the only section of their family to come here, dropping all their connections and blood to come to America. During middle school I excelled in math, doing Algebra 1 in 5th grade and now I’m doing Ap calc sophomore year. Through my time in middle school I did a lot of different sports and clubs.Now that I am in high school I am part of the Cambridge magnet program and I am a second year varsity wrestler.
 Throughout they year I have done a couple of different film projects. This includes our commercial and our music video. In these filming processes I have figured out so many things that I could use for this project. One example would be to better manage your time, if you don’t have many days to do something you should not focus something minor for a whole day. Also, an actual filming quality that I have learned is the places where you will be making cuts. In example, when we were filming our commercial we had our subject stand in the same place we moved the camera. As a result we put markers on the ground so that he could know were to step and stand each time. In addition to that I also learned from that video that you shouldn’t try to restrict your plan to a fine degree. This came to us when we found the perfect place to finish off our commercial, so we scrappers the ending mid film and inserted the new ending. This turned out to be the right decision as our commercial is quite perfect.
We have three pitch ideas:
1)  A WWIII draft call is made to a boy, he then has the inner struggle of telling his parents and he funnily he tells his parents.
2) A spy rolls in, he read a text, it cuts to him killing a target, he is then chased by several people and narrowly escapes.
3) We take a documentary on a random person, he tells us about his life and struggles. We play soft sad music behind it.

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