Friday, December 25, 2020

Editing Blog

 Cheerful Christmas! We still have work to do, even though today is a holiday. I began the editing process for our film today. This is one of the most thrilling places for me. It's when you can see how beyond the storyboard the film would really look like. We do have a few scenes to reshoot, but we have wanted to start editing the stuff we already have. Having a head start is crucial because we don't know whether we are going to run into any issues while editing. Being ahead of schedule is helpful so we have time to correct things before the deadline if anything happens. I enjoy editing short videos and images very much. Until the date, time to patch it. I enjoy editing short videos and images very much. I come to the realization that editing short videos and photographs is very different from editing a short movie. When editing a short film, there is a lot of work to be completed. There are a lot of little things that need to be paid attention to by me and my wife to make our movie perfect. I have been doing a number of studies to acquire editing experience. I have learned a few things, but I will surely learn more. I'm already working on uploading to my machine a new editing app. The current software that I use is very sluggish, and when it comes to editing, it doesn't provide many choices. Mario, my partner, is a very good actor. Ever since we began working together, he has been showing me a lot. I think we're going to make a great team, and that our film is going to be acted and edited very well.Edit Suite - SLVision London

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